Trinity Sunday
The Trinity is always a humbling doctrine. No matter how hard we try to understand it, there is always something beyond our comprehension. It is hard to admit when we can’t fully grasp a concept. Yet some concepts are impossible to grasp. Furthermore, if we are seeking only information rather than experience, we find we have moved even further away from our goal. It is like trying to explain the beauty of Monet’s Water Lilies, it simply can’t be done. But, to go to the museum and sit in front of the masterpiece is a whole different story.
In recent years I have drawn closer to this doctrine through seeing the Trinity as perfect relationship. This is what St Bonaventure call the “fountain of fullness.” These three simple words point to God’s flowing love between The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is this same ever flowing love that intersects our lives. And it is this unexplainable love that changes us and beckons us to love better.
May you experience the deep love of God this week.
May that unexplainable love flow through you.