Serving Our Church
We welcome the gifts of our members in all aspects of our services. If you have an interest in serving, we can find a role that fits your talents. Please contact the front office for more info, office@saint-timothy.net.
Worship Leadership
Our worship style uses the gifts of clergy and laity. Lay members can become licensed to officiate on Sunday when a priest is not available and Morning Prayer is used instead of the Eucharist. Lay members can be licensed to administer the chalice and read the lessons at public worship. Even before someone has made a commitment to membership in the church, they are welcome to participate as ushers and greeters at worship, help with the Flower Guild and Altar Guild, and serve at coffee hour.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a behind the scenes, but vital, ministry that ensures our congregation is ready to celebrate Holy Eucharist every week. They make sure the right colors are hung and that candles are full. It’s a quiet, fulfilling service to the church. This is a ministry that takes care of all the worship tools that are both seen and unseen.
Flower Guild
St. Timothy's Flower Guild has been in existence since 1985. Many ladies and quite a few men have been active over the years. The Guild is responsible for Sunday Altar Flower arrangements, Advent Greens arrangements during Advent and Lenten arrangements during Lent. They also provide special arrangements for Christmas and Easter.
We support the beautiful liturgies of the Episcopal church through music, and seek to glorify God and feed his people. Throughout the year, the addition of musical instruments, such as harp, violin, flute, trumpet, and other brass enhance the musical offerings of the choir. Singers are always welcome to join and help us make “a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Choir rehearsals are Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM.
Technology/Live Streaming
St. Timothy’s livestreams both its 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. services to make God’s word available to those who cannot attend in person. We always are looking for people to join our team of livestream operators. No prior experience is needed. We will show you everything you need to know. Please join us as we connect to people in NW Ohio and beyond.
Sunday School and Childcare
We believe that God meets us where we are, and we are called to do the same for our children. As they grow we want them to feel secure in their faith and themselves and know that they always have a home at Saint Timothy’s. Those who have a gift for teaching and supporting children are always welcome to join our Sunday School volunteers!