Expect a Miracle!

The Expect a Miracle capital campaign will help us to renew and expand our ministries - bringing our shared vision to life. What we do today will serve not only current members but generations of new members, too.

With God, we are expecting miracles!

God is doing a new thing at St. Tim’s! The future is being shaped by memories of the past and by visions of inspiring times ahead, by people who have been here for decades and by those who are arriving now.

The goals of our campaign are fundamentally transformative with capital projects that will shore up our foundations and orient us toward the future: A new Pipe Organ, Nave Refurbishment, Audio-visual upgrades, Commercial Kitchen, Outreach Foundation, Youth Ministry Initiative, Fascia & Gutters & Exterior Painting, Curb Appeal, Memorial Garden Expansion, Solar Panels & EV Chargers, Trees & Plantings, and Endowment Growth.

 Capital Campaign Updates