Unity and Togetherness
Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the Lord.
-Jeremiah 23:1
It has been a heartbreaking week as we have heard the devastating news of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump. This news reminds us that separation and disconnection and hate have horrific ramifications.
In the above passage the prophet Jeremiah is reporting the words of God that were meant for the people of Israel 2700 years ago. As we encounter these ancient words of God, we are reminded that God’s plans for his people are not plans of disunity or being scattered, but rather unity and togetherness. The words of Bishop Curry from Saturday night help us to find our place amid a divided and hurting country. He says, “We decry political violence in any form, and our call as followers of Jesus of Nazareth is always to love.” and, “The way of love—not the way of violence—is the way we bind up our nation’s wounds.”
This week may we come together as a diverse yet united people that follow the way of Jesus above all else. As we pray for our former president, the families and friends of those who lost their lives, and for all who are traumatized by the horrific acts of gun violence may we also pray for unity and the ability to clearly see the way of love.