Woe Is Me!

"Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips”…"Here am I; send me!"  -Isaiah 6:5a, 8b

These two statements are separated by just a few verses.  In the first statement we read about Isaiah who knows he needs help and wishes he had done a better job following God.  Isaiah is not disillusioned with thoughts of his own grandeur.  He doesn’t think God is really lucky to have someone of my skills and abilities on the team.  Isaiah is humble and honest, but he doesn’t let it become an excuse to stay on the sideline.  In just a short moment he goes from acknowledging his honest need, to committing to action. 

Thus far in 2025 the world feels complex and broken and sometimes I feel like I am unqualified and incapable of making a difference.  I need help, and like Isaiah, I often wish I did a better job of following God.  But God never stops calling me, and God is calling you too.  God has a mission of love, justice, care, and hope that is happening every day.  I pray that each of us are able to honestly see ourselves and answer God’s call to join his mission of love.



Getting into the Right Headspace


A Grateful Heart