A Grateful Heart

“The parents of Jesus brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.”
-Luke 2:22b

There are moments, possessions, and relationships that hold deep significance in our lives. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing we’ve earned or are entitled to the things and people we cherish most. But as we approach the Feast of the Presentation this Sunday, I am reminded of the call to open my hands and offer the things I treasure back to God.

While hard work and dedication play a role in the blessings we experience, it is also a gift to recognize that God is a part of each blessing. Mary and Joseph’s journey to this moment in the Gospel was filled with adventure, fear, excitement, and countless emotions, yet they paused to recognize God’s presence in the gift of their Son.

Today, I hope you take a moment to slow down and reflect on your own blessings. I hope you offer them to God with a grateful heart. And above all, I hope you find comfort in knowing that you belong to a loving God who cares deeply for you.



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