Members of One Another

For we are members of one another.
-Ephesians 4:25

I have a membership to all kinds of organizations.  I am a member at the gym, the NAACP, The Episcopal Church, and many other organizations. Being a member of something sometimes means that I get a benefit of some kind.  Sometimes it means that I am committed to a common mission.  
I have also known what it feels like to be left out of a group.  I know how it feels to not be a member of something; to not be allowed in or to not know the unsaid rules that everyone else knows.  It is painful to not belong.
So, what does it mean to be a "member of one another?" 
It means that we belong to each other.  I belong to you, and you belong to me.  It is a wonderful back and forth that creates a doubly strong social net of love and care. The rest of this chapter in Ephesians talks about the complexities of these relationships. We belong one to another, so put your love into action as you navigate the complexities of life this week.
Tell someone that you love them. 
Send them a card,
Help them move.
Pray with them.
Listen to another's point of view.
Invite someone to coffee that you don't yet know.
Think and pray about how to create better belonging.

Lastly, may you constantly and firmly know that you belong to God, 
and may St Tim's be a church that consistently creates belonging.



A Job Half Done…

