The word “Called” is a tricky word. Sometimes we use the word “Called” only in reference to pastor, priests, Bishops, or deacons, but when we do, it devalues the call that is in each of us. It is not just the ordained that are called but every person has a deep and meaningful calling. I hope you know that you are called.
Now you’re probably asking the question, “Called to what?” I think this is a wonderful question. Often people use the term to refer to very specific circumstances in their life. I was called to be a gardener, lawyer, spouse, or nurse. While there is a certain calling in each of those, I do not think that is what St. Paul means when he speaks of calling. In a letter to the church in Ephesus he writes, “I beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called” (Eph4:1). He goes on to explain that being called has less to do with the circumstances of your life and everything to do with how you live among the circumstances.
Whether you are a gardener, lawyer, spouse, nurse, clergy, something different, you a called to focus on the love that God has for you, and to build up others with that same love. After all, Paul is writing this letter while in prison. Whatever circumstances surround you I hope you know that you are called to be humble, gentle, patient, and to uplift one another while keeping your focus on Christ, whose love knows no limits.