October 22, 2023 - One service at 9:00 a.m., including special congregational meeting. The purpose of the special meeting is to vote on proposed amendments to the By-laws. Proposed amendments are:
Allowing the size of the vestry to be within a range of seven to eleven members, determined annually by the prior year's vestry. The By-laws currently provided a fixed number at eleven. This range allows for the size of vestry to flex based on differing needs of the congregation each year, and is consistent with the Canons which provide that vestry shall consist of no fewer than five and no more than eighteen members.
Confirming that one member of the vestry may be, but is not required to be, a youth member. This preserves the congregation's desire to have youth representation on vestry, but recognizes that this is not possible every year due to the composition of the congregation.
Providing that the clerk may, but is not required to, also serve as warden-in-training. This change allows for flexibility. The By-laws do not require that the clerk be a vestry member.
The proposed revisions will be made available at the church.