Our Mission
Mission statements are important. They keep us on track no matter what else is swirling in the world. When we are excited, it is the mission that helps us channel that energy. When we are angry it is the mission that keeps us from losing control. When we are scared it is the mission that enables us to move into the uncomfortable. The Book of Common Prayer tells us, “The mission of the church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” (BCP 855). This is the mission that has carried congregations through good times, bad times, and everything in between. If the church’s main focus is anything other than restoration and reconciliation, then we have lost our way.
Sometimes when we say church, we mean the tax exempt entity that has a physical location on East Boundary Street. But the church is a collection of people that have been moved by the love of Jesus Christ. Each one of us joins together in this mission of restoration because Christ was willing to be reconciled with us even when we were working against God’s mission of love.
My hope for St Tim’s and subsequently each one of you, is that we remain committed to the mission of healing divides, restoring relationships, reconciling groups, and all because Christ loved us and did it for us first.