January 14, 2024

1 Samuel 3:1-10, young Samuel hears the voice of God while he is lying down in the temple.  Samuel didn't recognize God's voice.   He believed it was Eli calling him.  Eli advised him to go back, and listen again for God. 

How do we know when the God, through the Holy Spirit, is speaking to us?  For some of us, that time when we are lying down to sleep, or waking in the morning, might be the ideal time for God to get through to us.  We are quiet, not involved in or overwhelmed by our surroundings.  God can get our attention then.  He does not have to compete with our daily schedules, our to do lists and the daily needs of our families.  Our minds are not cluttered with busyness, but we are awake enough to remember the thoughts we are having.  

The Holy Spirit comes to us at times when we are open to listen to God's call.   We all must learn to listen for, and recognize, God's voice.

Community is a key part of recognizing God's voice.  We can speak with other people about those thoughts that come to us - people with whom we can have those discussions about what God is calling us to do.

Think about that tonight, as you fall asleep.  What message is God giving you in that quiet time?

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Homily summary by Christine Castellano


February 7, 2024


December 13, 2023