Breathe. Jesus will surely come.


The church begins its new year by waiting and anticipating the arrival of Christ.  There is nothing that can be done to speed up or change his coming. I urge you to breathe and simply know that Jesus will get here.  Nothing will stand in God's way of being present with those he loves. When God arrived in this world the manger was good enough.  It was not cleanliness that made Jesus come, or stay for that matter.  It was not how nice the presents were, or how they were wrapped that made Jesus come; it was simply his love for us, he could not stay apart from us.

As you create and re-create plans for Christmas, breathe and know Jesus will surely come anyway.

As you shop for the right gifts for everyone, breathe and know Jesus will surely come anyway.

As you mourn a Christmas that is not how you imagined it would be, or how TV said it should be, breathe and know Jesus will surely come anyway.

Jesus is coming! You cannot keep him from making his home here among us.  God loves you, and God will not be separated from you. As you enter this Advent season pause, and rest in the fact that God loves you. Whatever might be causing you anxiety can wait. This is Advent, a season where we wait, rest, and settle with sure confidence that nothing can separate us from our God. 

Matt +


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